During Lent, and as always, our desire is to involve every member of the family in making a commitment to daily devotional time. We have Lenten devotional booklets available in the Narthex with the anticipation of growing together in our walk with Jesus. Please pick a time appropriate for your family to spend a few moments together in devotion and prayer—whether after dinner in the evening or just before bedtime or whatever works best for your family.
*** Lenten Services and Themes ***2/14 – Ash Wednesday “Big Things with Small Stuff” (Exodus 2:1–10)2/18 – (Sat/Sun) Lent One “How God Changes Us” (Exodus 3:1–14) 2/22 – Thursday 1 “Guided to Hope” (2 Corinthians 1:10)2/25 – (Sat/Sun) Lent Two “Stop Trying and Start Trusting” (Exodus 14:1–29)2/29 – Thursday 2 “Guided to Love” (1 Timothy 1:13-14)3/3 – (Sat/Sun) Lent Three “Strike the Rock!” (Exodus 17:1–7)3/7 – Thursday 3 “Guided to Peace” (Colossians 1:19-20)3/10 – (Sat/Sun) Lent Four “Mine!” (Exodus 20:1–17) 3/14 – Thursday 4 “Guided to Trust” (1 Timothy 1:15)3/17 – (Sat/Sun) Lent Five “Digging Ourselves into a Hole” (Exodus 32:1–14) 3/21 – Thursday 5 “Guided to Perseverance” (Ephesians 6:18)3/24 – (Sat/Sun) Palm Sunday “A New Beginning!” (Exodus 34:1–8) 3/28 – Holy Thursday “Access!” (Exodus 24:1–11) 3/29 – Good Friday “Agnus Dei” (Exodus 12:1–13) 3/31 – (Sunday) Easter “Against all Odds!” (Exodus 15:1–18)